Happy 40th anniversary to NASS Derby

Our NASS Derby branch were founded in 1984 and have been running regular physiotherapy sessions for people with axial SpA at the Royal Derby Hospital ever since. They currently offer hydrotherapy every Thursday evening.

The branch is run by a fantastic team of volunteers including Guy Pearce (Chair), David Dunn (Treasurer and creator of some stunning designs for NASS Christmas cards) and Barbara Foster (long-standing Secretary and oldest member). Our branches can only succeed with a supportive hospital and willing physiotherapists. NASS Derby has been very fortunate in the support it gets from the Royal Derby Rheumatology Department.

To celebrate the branch held a dinner dance on Saturday 11 May at Kedleston Golf Club. It was a lovely evening and, outgoing President, Dr Marian Regan was thanked for her work and the new incoming President, Dr Francis Kynaston Pearson, was officially welcomed. The evening would not have been possible without all the hard work put in by Guy, Alice and Paul in particular.

During the evening Dr Dale Webb, CEO of NASS, was presented with a donation of £500 to support the work of NASS by the branch. We are very grateful to the branch for fundraising.

Check out the great photos in the gallery below.