Cost: £10 per session
Our branch offers hydrotherapy every Tuesday between 19:30 and 20:30 at West Coventry Academy.
There is free parking on site and you enter the pool using a shallow set of steps. Sessions take place in the shallow end of the pool which is 0.9 metres in depth. It’s a completely new facility with separate men’s and women’s changing rooms and new pool equipment.
Our sessions are mainly led by Keir Young, physiotherapist at University Coventry Hospital with a special interest in axial spondyloarthritis. Other physiotherapists may get involved too.
The sessions are mixed ability and include both men and women. Within every session there is a beginners, intermediate and advanced option for each activity. This means everyone can work to their own ability.
You must have a diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis (Axial SpA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS) from a UK rheumatologist to attend our branch sessions.
We look forward to warmly welcoming you to NASS Coventry.