NASS Nottingham

Our friendly group holds sessions at the Hydrotherapy Centre at the David Ross Sports Village, Nottingham.

Sessions start at 18:30 and finish at 20:30 and are under the supervision of trained physiotherapists. The sessions are a mix of hydrotherapy pool exercise and a stretch session. You have the opportunity to take part in either or both.


You can park at the centre and this is FREE after 17:30. No need to get a parking ticket, just park up and make your way through the main doors of the David Ross Centre and they will direct you to the hydrotherapy centre.

The cost is £8 per session which needs to be paid in advance. To join our NASS Nottingham sessions please contact us at

You must have a diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis (Axial SpA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS) from a UK rheumatologist to attend our  branch sessions.

We look forward to warmly welcoming you to NASS Nottingham.