Living well with axial SpA
A practical introduction to the treatment and management of axial SpA, with useful advice on daily life
DownloadOur guides are for people with axial spondyloarthritis (axial SpA), including ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
Download for free below, or email sally@nass.co.uk to have free guides posted to you.
If you are a health professional please use our order form.
Information on the role biologic therapy plays in managing axial SpA, including potential benefits and risks
DownloadA useful guide for you to explain your axial SpA, and support you may need, to your employer
DownloadA gentle introduction to axial SpA, with videos, resources, and free online meetups
Visit Your SpAceMy AS, My Life includes in-depth videos to allow you to build the confidence and skills you need to manage your axial SpA
Visit My AS, My LifeUse our postcode checker to find your local NASS branch for group physiotherapy and support
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