Discover Mindfulness with Sophie
Discover how mindfulness can help with relaxation and stress management
Watch the videoSome techniques to help look after your emotional wellbeing while living with axial SpA
Discover how mindfulness can help with relaxation and stress management
Watch the videoVisit our emotional wellbeing playlist to try different techniques
View the playlistFind out more about our Helpline and other ways to get support
Visit the webpageAn introductory session with Diane
Watch the videoComing to terms with living with a long term condition
Watch the videoZoë Clark shares her self care tips
Watch the videoDave shares his top advice for managing anxiety
Watch the videoAdvice on coping, practically and emotionally, with the unpredictability of axial SpA
Watch the videoTips on explaining your axial SpA, and how it impacts you, to other people
Watch the videoTry some hypnotherapy and relaxation techniques as a tool to manage pain
Lara explains how hypnotherapy and relaxation techniques can be a helpful addition to your pain management toolkit. You can try a light hypnosis taster session
Watch the videoAli's guides you through breathing techniques, gentle stretches and a short meditation
Watch the videoWhen you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, use these relaxation and grounding techniques
Watch the videoMindful movement sessions to help your axial SpA and general wellbeing
Susi's Therapeutic Tai Chi session
Watch the videoIt’s a good idea to learn the basics of Tai Chi from an instructor to make sure your style is correct, effective and won’t cause injury
Visit the websiteIan guides you in a gentle Somatic Movement session
Watch the video