Find your motivation to exercise with Emily
Discover what type of exercise helps your axial spA
Watch the videoEase into exercise with Emily's stretch sessions
Discover what type of exercise helps your axial spA
Watch the videoGet started with this 20-minute stretch
Watch the videoTry this 30-minute stretch session
Watch the videoOur advice for fitting exercise into daily life
Learn how to create an exercise routine and set goals to keep on track
Watch the videoUnderstand more about how you can exercise at home and follow along with Zoë
Watch the videoZoë discusses how to keep moving during an axial SpA flare
Watch the videoTry some Pilates classes designed for people with axial SpA with Ruth and Wiebke
Discover a routine to help loosen stiff joints in the morning
Watch the videoTry these seated exercises on a chair or exercise ball
Watch the videoA 20-minute full-body stretch session
Watch the videoYoga taster sessions from Jamie and Geoff from Yoga for AS
Try this full-body session designed to ease neck pain and stiffness
Watch the videoThis session uses breathing exercises, yoga positions and relaxation to help you feel refreshed and energised
Watch the videoTry a yoga practice from the comfort of your bed. Wind down for a good night's sleep or loosen stiff joints in the morning
Watch the videoTry Ian's Somatic Movement sessions to loosen up your joints and relax your mind
Ian guides you through gentle movements to loosen joints and relax muscles
Watch the videoThis class focuses on loosening the neck and shoulders
Watch the videoThis class focuses on the hips, ankles and feet
Watch the videoFollow Lara's instructions to try some gentle breathing exercises
Watch the videoHeather discusses the importance of reducing your risk of falling. Try out the exercises to improve your balance
Watch the videoFollow Emily’s easy instructions and perform a simple check each day to help improve your posture
Watch the videoSusi leads us through a therapeutic Tai Chi session. Susi also explains what Tai Chi is and how it is beneficial for people with axial SpA
Watch the videoTry a Tai Chi taster session with Julia
Watch the videoJackie explains why the Alexander Technique can be beneficial to keep flexible and leads a practical demonstration
Watch the videoJulia gives an introduction to Nordic Walking, including some warm up movements
Watch the videoTry a High-intensity Interval Training session with Josh. The session can be done seated or standing
Watch the videoAndrew discusses the benefits of weightlifting for people with axial SpA, how to stay safe and how to workout in different ways
Watch the videoAn interesting chat with Matt, where we explore how you can balance sports with your axial SpA pain and fatigue
Watch the videoVisit our YouTube playlist to try more exercise class taster sessions
View the playlistLearn some routines to bring stretches into your daily life
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