Managing your pain
Colin shares different options available for managing pain in axial SpA
Watch the videoLearn some new pain management techniques and ways to cope with flares
Colin shares different options available for managing pain in axial SpA
Watch the videoZoë shares her top tips on preparing for and managing axial SpA flares
Watch the videoZoë shares her advice on soothing night pain to improve your sleep
Watch the videoLearn different ways to help manage your pain, alongside medication
Colin explains how TENS machines can ease pain, with advice on where to get started
Watch the videoTry out some massage techniques to help ease muscle tightness
Watch the videoIan explains how acupuncture can help manage pain
Watch the videoLearn techniques to help you ease pain in different areas of your body
Phil explains what can cause jaw pain and discusses what you can do to help. You can try out his massage techniques and exercises
Watch the videoZoë talks neck and shoulder pain, taking you through a range of exercises
Watch the videoZoë shares her top tips for managing rib pain in axial SpA and demonstrates breathing exercises
Watch the videoKathy shares some self care tips to ease hand pain
Watch the videoZoë shares her advice on managing low back pain and demonstrates some stretches
Watch the videoZoë shares her tips on helping to reduce hip pain
Watch the videoZoë talks knee pain and takes you through a range of exercises
Watch the videoZoë discusses different causes of foot pain and shares her top tips on caring for your feet
Watch the video