Kelvyn’s Community Plant Sale to Fundraise for NASS

Kelvyn, NASS Newport & Caerphilly branch member, is a keen gardener. For the last few years, he's put his love of gardening into a fundraising opportunity, by selling his greenhouse plants, to raise vital funds for NASS.

“Not all of us can do walks or exercise to raise funds, but gardening can be a lifeline to some.”

Kelvyn, NASS Newport & Caerphilly branch member, is a keen gardener. For the last few years, he’s put his love of gardening into a fundraising opportunity, by selling his greenhouse plants, to raise vital funds for NASS.

Kelvyn's plant sale to fundraise for NASS

“It is always difficult to dream up new ways to raise funds, and in our small circle at the NASS Newport & Caerphilly branch we end up asking the same supporters/family members for donations for sponsored walks, as well as a Spinathon organised last year.

I like gardening and I am lucky to have a greenhouse in which I annually raise all the flowers I need for the garden, rather than having to purchase much more expensive plants from retailers. Inevitably, I always have seedlings/plants left over which I usually give to family and neighbours, so I thought; this time why not try and sell these young plants locally to raise funds for NASS? In the Spring of 2023, I potted all surplus seedlings/plants. When they were ready, I firstly offered them to members of our branch and their families. I then posted on my local village’s Facebook page, offering all plants for £1 each with all the proceeds going to NASS, along with a link so that people could find out more about axial SpA and what we do locally. The tomato plants were very popular indeed, and £100 was raised.

Kelvyn's plant sale to fundraise for NASS

This year, I bought several different tomato seed varieties and various annual flowers and did the same thing but on a slightly bigger scale. I also used my cold frame over the winter to bring on some perennial plants which have self-seeded in the garden and are free! This year I had tomatoes, cucumbers and melons for the greenhouse, outdoor tomatoes, foxgloves, Christmas roses, delphiniums, strawberries and annual border plants such as asters, godetia, marigolds, calendula, cosmos and sweet peas, all raised from seed. I again posted on our local Facebook page and was surprised to see the number of requests for plants, with repeat orders from last year! Only about half of the plants went initially, so I readvertised a week later and reduced the price to 50p a plant. Whilst not all plants were sold, all the tomato plants went and £200 was raised. I gave away what was left as it would have been a pity to compost them.

Kelvyn's plant sale to fundraise for NASS

Not all of us can do walks or exercise to raise funds, but gardening can be a lifeline to some, and it does not have to be strenuous or time consuming. It gives you a sense of purpose and pride when the plants flourish. The modest physical exercise and being outdoors is all good for your wellbeing and becomes your own Mindfulness session as you take in your surroundings and sounds.

Kelvyn's plant sale to fundraise for NASS

Why not give it a go? It is simple to do, and it is a win-win all-round, with surplus plants finding a home and purchasers getting a bargain.”

Feel inspired to organise your own fundraiser? Sign up to Go Orange for AS!