NASS launches CPD accredited podcast that champions service improvement in axial SpA care

23rd September 2022

Today, we launched our new podcast, Rheum for Improvement, which is dedicated to service improvement in axial SpA care. The CPD accredited podcast has been created as a learning resource for healthcare professionals who work with patients that could or do have axial spondyloarthritis (axial SpA).

In each episode, hosts Lucy Davies (Deputy Director at the NHS Transformation Unit) and Hasan Tahir (rheumatologist at Royal Free London) meet healthcare professionals from across the UK who have been a driving force for change in their department.

The podcast offers listeners an authentic look into the strategies, tactics, highs and lows of a service improvement project. It will inspire the audience to test and implement change in their own teams.

Rheum for Improvement

Season 1 of the podcast consists of six, 30-minute episodes which see Lucy and Hasan meeting experts from Newcastle, Leeds, Fife and Berkshire. Discussions revolve around themes, including data collection and the use of data, breaking big projects into bite-sized chunks, engaging patients and working across multiple disciplines to drive towards success.

Commenting on the new podcast, Dr Dale Webb, CEO at NASS said: “Rheum for Improvement is the first service improvement podcast from NASS. It provides an easy, and often entertaining, way for healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and care of axial SpA to hear about the innovations in treatment and care driven by the teams involved in the Aspiring to Excellence programme.

“It’s the perfect blend of theory and lived experience and provides actionable insights that will inspire others to drive real change in their own departments.

“I would encourage any healthcare professional that works with patients who have axial SpA to tune in.”

The podcast was created to disseminate learning and insights from the Aspiring to Excellence programme, led by NASS in partnership with BritSpA and the NHS Transformation Unit. Since its inception in 2019, the Aspiring to Excellence programme has recruited 19 hospital teams from across the UK. Each team is focussed on catalysing improvements in diagnosis and care for patients with axial SpA.

Rheum for Improvement has been created for busy healthcare professionals to enjoy in their down time. Every episode stands on its own. Listeners can enjoy the full series or just dip into the episodes that interest them most.

The first two episodes are released today, with subsequent instalments being released every two weeks.

You can learn more about the podcast and access episodes by visiting:

The Aspiring to Excellence programme is brought to you by NASS, in partnership with BritSpA and the NHS Transformation Unit and sponsored by Abbvie, Biogen, Lilly, Novartis and UCB.

Learn more about the podcast and access episodes here.