About NASS

NASS is the only charity in the UK dedicated to transforming axial SpA care

For almost 50 years we’ve been providing specialist support, advice and the most up-to-date information. We aim to empower everyone with axial spondyloarthritis (axial SpA) to manage their treatment and to stay in control of their lives. We are driven to ensure that health professionals around the country deliver tailored and timely care to every patient, every time.

More than 200,000 people in the UK have axial SpA – that’s 1 in 200! So our members and supporters sit right at the very heart of NASS. Not only do our members financially support our work as well as the services and information we provide to everyone affected by axial SpA (AS), but this vast community also adds such passion and focus to what we do. We always turn to them first when we ask ourselves ‘where shall we go next’? Our trustees are all NASS members and ensure we are focussed on the things that matter the most.

We are working hard to dramatically increase public awareness of axial SpA going forward. Therefore, the voices of this community are going to be more essential than ever. We are so much louder and stronger together. Will you join us on that journey?

Our Vision

A future with timely diagnosis and holistic care, supported by a united axial SpA community.

Our Mission

Transforming axial SpA futures, creating a social movement for change and an empowered community.

We do this by

  • Putting people with axial SpA at the heart of what we do, and leading the debate about the future of axial SpA care and support.
  • Raising awareness and educating people about axial SpA through public awareness campaigns and healthcare professional education.
  • Supporting people to live well with their condition through specialist support and advice.
  • Generating evidence to demonstrate that improvements in diagnosis time, care and self-management are possible through research, pilots and demonstration projects.

Our Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

NASS is committed to ensuring that equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the organisation are a fair reflection of society. We value diversity and we recognise that different people bring different perspectives, ideas, knowledge and culture, and that this difference brings great strength.

NASS will not tolerate discrimination or harassment and is fully committed to promoting equal opportunities in employment. NASS staff, trustees, branch attendees, members, volunteers and anyone applying for a job with NASS will receive fair and equal treatment.

Work for NASS

We have no current vacancies.

Make a donation to NASS


From a single payment to a monthly donation, or even a fundraising activity, there are plenty of ways to help

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Fundraising - Walk - Kathy Miller

Fundraise for us

From cake baking to skydiving, our supporters’ generosity raises vital funds for our important work. What do you want to do?

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