Walk Your AS Off fundraise NASS

Why your support matters

Watch Jamie's story

Why your support matters

NASS is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting people with axial SpA. NASS doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on your kindness and generosity, and other people like you, to help us transform the diagnosis, treatment and care of people with axial SpA and help more people live well with the condition sooner.

The impact of your support

Every penny you raise really does make a difference:

  • Donate £10 to help one person affected by axial SpA receive information and support from our Helpline team via email or phone.
  • Donate £25 to help provide a pack of NASS guidebooks for a local rheumatology department to share with their patients.
  • Donate £50 to help provide 1:1 support to help someone living with axial SpA apply for disability benefits support.
  • Donate £100 to help by contributing towards the cost of one of our monthly My AS My Life sessions to help people living with axial SpA manage their symptoms between hospital appointments.
  • Donate £250 to help run a monthly online Your SpAce meetup to help people living with axial SpA manage their symptoms between hospital appointments and feel less isolated living with axial SpA.

Your support is urgently needed

Your support for NASS and people with axial SpA is more critical than ever:

  • Nearly a fifth of people with axial SpA receive no information when diagnosed and experience very long waiting times and delays in care due to chronic understaffing in rheumatology departments.
  • While welfare organisations are overwhelmed during this cost-of-living crisis, more people than ever need our help to claim life-changing disability benefits to cope with extra living costs.

Thank you for your support for NASS and people with axial SpA.

Axial SpA works silently. We don’t.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about how the money you donate or raise is spent to support people with axial SpA at NASS, please don't hesitate to email fundraising@nass.co.uk or call 020 8741 1515 (press option 2)

Contact the fundraising team

Ways you can fundraise for NASS

Make a regular gift to NASS

Donate to NASS

Donate to NASS in a way that suits you. Whether it's making a regular donation, a one off donation, pledging to leave a gift in your will, or donating in memory of a loved one, every penny you donate really does make a difference to the lives of people with axial SpA with the help of NASS.

Donate today

Do your own fundraising

From quiz nights to coffee mornings and bake sales, organising a step challenge or a dress down day at work or school, or celebrating your birthday by asking your friends and family for donations to your Facebook Birthday page, there’s no limit to what you can do to organise your own fundraising for NASS!

Get fundraising

Caroline Brocklehurst & Minnie, Walk Your AS Off 2023

Join a community fundraiser

Join a community fundraising event and fundraise for NASS. Whether you join Walk Your AS Off, Stretch-tember or Winter Walk Challenge, every penny you raise really does make a difference to the lives of people with axial SpA with the help of NASS.

Upcoming events
making a difference cards

Give As You Shop

Give as you shop online to raise vital funds for NASS! Whether you buy cards online for loved ones, do your weekly shop, purchase your favourite items on ebay, or shop online with easufundraising, every penny you donate really does make a difference to the lives of people with axial SpA with the help of NASS.

Give As You Shop

  • 220k

    Adults in the UK

    1 in 200 of the adult population in the UK have axial SpA (AS). That's twice as many as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

  • 26

    Average age

    Axial SpA (AS) is a condition that affects young people. Symptoms start late teens to early twenties, with the average age of onset being 26.

  • 8.5

    Years to diagnosis

    The current average delay to diagnosis from when symptoms start is 8.5 years, by which irreversible damage to the spine may have occurred.

  • 59%

    Mental health

    59% of people with axial SpA (AS) report experiencing mental health problems compared to 25% of those with musculoskeletal conditions overall.