NASS Affiliated Groups

What is a NASS Affiliated Group?

NASS branches offer people living with axial spondyloarthritis (axial SpA) affordable access to group physiotherapy and / or hydrotherapy. They provide motivation to take part in regular exercise as well as offering a local community of support.

NASS branches are run by an elected committee and must abide by NASS policies and procedures. This includes submitting an annual financial return.

We understand that there are external groups in the UK offering similar activities to NASS branches which are aimed specifically at people with axial SpA. These groups may not wish to become a NASS branch as it may not be an organisational fit. However, by affiliating with NASS we could work together to close the geographical gaps in services around the country, point people towards useful local services and create a more connected community.

What will affiliation with NASS offer?

We would offer affiliation with NASS as a credible organisation with a long and close association with axial SpA.

Additionally, we would provide a webpage on the NASS website about the affiliated NASS group which is searchable by postcode and promotion on social media and via invitation emails to local members.

We would also offer free NASS guides to distribute to attendees.

What does a group need to be considered for NASS affiliation?

We believe our requirements from an affiliated group should be closely aligned with our requirements of a NASS branch. An affiliated group should offer:

  • Regular group exercise suitable for people with axial SpA
  • Sessions should be restricted to those with a diagnosis of spondyloarthritis
  • The cost should be affordable

The affiliated group should:

  • Have public liability insurance for both the venue and the person leading the sessions.
  • Be following suitable policies and procedures including Safeguarding, Complaints Policy, Equality and discrimination policy.
  • Physiotherapists leading the group need to be working within their scope of practice.
  • Agree to update NASS on any substantive changes to the group and check and update their webpage annually.

Want to find out more?

Check out our current NASS Affiliated Groups.

The Salford Royal Hospital Axial SpA Group is based at Salford Royal and offers hydrotherapy and gym sessions for people with an axial SpA diagnosis who are under the care of the Northern Care Alliance in Manchester.

Harbourside West Cornwall is a private physiotherapy practice offering regular group hydrotherapy sessions for people with an axial SpA diagnosis.

If you’d like to have a chat and find out more about becoming a NASS Affiliated Group please contact