Monica’s story

“When I saw Walk Your AS Off, it inspired me to want to be part of the community that I had found online, and to give me that extra motivation to keep moving on a daily basis.”

For 4 years before she was diagnosed with axial SpA, Monica was unable to go to the gym, walk any significant distance or drive for more than 20 minutes. But after she was diagnosed, she was put on biologics which allowed her to start claiming her health and fitness back. Last year, she joined Walk Your AS Off to give her extra motivation to get walking every day. 

Here’s her story. 


For as long as I can remember, I have always had aches, pains and injuries which were explained away by my being accident-prone and clumsy, or by them being merely growing pains.

In my twenties I was working as a dental nurse, so yet again my back and general aches and pains were put down to the nature of my job and being constantly on my feet. My feet would swell, and my back would ache to the point where I could do nothing but go to bed after a day’s work.

“One doctor even told me that I was ‘stuck in a rut’ and that I just needed to shake myself out of it.”

For several years, I had been building my strength at the gym with personal trainers, and under the guidance of my brother, who’s a physiotherapist. I was putting everything into being in the best condition possible. It eventually got to the point where I was no longer able to exercise, I couldn’t function socially the way I had been used to. With no answers from GPs, rheumatologists or MRIs, I was faced with having to change my career to a desk job. I knew that a job being on my feet was no longer sustainable.

I moved to England with my partner, moved into management, and with new doctors dealing with my symptoms, I thought that there might be some hope. Unfortunately, they dismissed me, as my inactivity had led to weight gain. Every doctor I saw told me that I was overweight and depressed or that I had fibromyalgia. One doctor even told me that I was “stuck in a rut” and that I just needed to shake myself out of it.

Thankfully, I had a family member who was a healthcare professional and knew that I had been somewhat fit at the time when my symptoms had been worsening. He was able to direct me to a knowledgeable rheumatology-physiotherapist who in turn directed me to a private rheumatologist. He was the one who referred me to his NHS clinic and who was able to diagnose me with non-radiographic axial SpA.

“Reading other people’s stories reassured me that it was not all in my head”

The biologics were life changing! I had spent the last 4 years unable to go to the gym, walk any significant distance or drive for more than 20 minutes. This has changed everything, and I have been slowly claiming my health and fitness back.

NASS was one of the few relatable resources that I came across on my journey to diagnosis. Reading other people’s stories reassured me that it was not all in my head and that there was hope for getting back to an active and somewhat normal life.

“Walk Your AS Off encouraged me to walk through different places daily”

When I saw Walk Your AS Off, it inspired me to want to be part of the community that I had found online, and to give me that extra motivation to keep moving on a daily basis. I also wanted to give support and raise awareness in any way possible.

Without the knowledge and reassurance from my physio brother, I probably would have given up on pushing for a diagnosis (even though it cost me thousands in private medical bills-I couldn’t afford not to pursue it). I have found great relief through swimming, and the WYASO challenge encouraged me to walk through different places daily. Being out in nature was fantastic for my mental health and gave me a sense of achievement.

Feel inspired by Monica’s story? 

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