Your Stories

Get inspired by the stories of the people who've chosen to fundraise for NASS to support people with axial SpA.

Get inspired to ... pledge to leave a gift in your Will to NASS

Leave a gift in your will

Danny's story

“Being a genetic condition, my axial SpA could easily be passed down to at least one or both of my children. I want to make sure that NASS is around forever to support them.”

Watch Danny's story

Get inspired to ... run for NASS

Chris Wheeler Great Western Run 2023

Chris' story

“Thanks to the support I have received from NASS, I am fundraising for them as I want to give others the chance to get diagnosed earlier that the current average time of 8.5 years. It shouldn’t take that long!”

Read Chris' story

Gary Mason

Garry's story

“I’ve decided to take on the Snowdonia marathon for NASS to support the great work they do to help raise awareness of AS and help towards living with the condition, in particular, assisting with getting the right diagnosis at an early stage.”

Read Gary's story

Get inspired to ... swim or row for NASS

Sarah Scilly Swim

Sarah's story

Sarah shares her journey to diagnosis, how she has used swimming to help manage her symptoms and as a way to incorporate movement and exercise into her routine.

Read Sarah's story
Jamie's Rowing Challenge 2023-24

Jamie's story

Huge congratulations to Jamie, who finished rowing 3,000 miles solo across the Atlantic on Wednesday 21 February in 69 days, 17 hours and 56 minutes! An astonishing achievement, especially given that Jamie’s upper and lower back is fused due to having axial SpA.

Read Jamie's story

Get inspired to ... walk or hike for NASS

Mark Telkman Pilgrimage 2024

Mark's story

“I have come across people who are thriving, struggling, and somewhere in-between. I have been in all three camps since having been diagnosed. I know what it’s like to feel desperate, vulnerable, lost (and worse) because of this condition.”

Read Mark's story

Michelle's story

“I went on a search for support groups and came across NASS. I had so many unanswered questions, so I was so relieved to find a hub that could give me answers and assistance.”

Read Michelle's story

Alex Wise WYASO 2024

Alex's story

“I don’t let axial SpA run or dictate my life. I’ve continued to enjoy trekking in the great outdoors and making the most of the opportunity to be active with the annual Walk Your AS Off step challenge during May.”

Read Alex's story

Monica's story

“When I saw Walk Your AS Off, it inspired me to want to be part of the community that I had found online, and to give me that extra motivation to keep moving on a daily basis.”

Read Monica's story
Caroline Brocklehurst & Minnie, Walk Your AS Off 2023

Caroline's story

“Walk your AS Off is a great initiative, as I can tailor my steps to whatever I’m able to manage each day whilst still fulfilling the brief of keeping active and I’ll be fundraising at the same time!”

Read Caroline's story

Kevin Trebell & Arthur, Walk Your AS Off 2023

Kevin's story

“This is my first year helping to raise funds for NASS and I am delighted with the support of my friends and family during such a difficult time. I’m so lucky to be so supported.”

Read Kevin's story
Walk Your AS Off 2023, Abi Cowley

Abi's story

“If you are like me and have never been ‘into’ exercise and you struggle with pain, can I encourage you to just take one step at a time, even if that means just hobbling down the road, keep going, it will help in the end.”

Read Abi's story

Get inspired to ... organise your own fundraising event

Get inspired to ... game for NASS

Gaming for AS Flazzerty

Flazzerty's story

Last year, gamer Flazzerty signed up to Gaming for AS and raised funds for NASS by livestreaming! He has shared his story about living with AS to raise awareness and inspire others to fundraise for NASS.

Watch Flazzerty's story

Get inspired to ... stretch more for your axial SpA for NASS

Sarah Stretch-tember 2023

Sarah's story

Sarah waited for 33 years to be diagnosed with axial SpA. Since her diagnosis, she has started taking biologics, reducing her symptoms. Now, not only has she has signed up to Stretch-tember, but she is also taking on a virtual Kilimanjaro climbing challenge too – all to raise vital funds for NASS and awareness of axial SpA.

Read Sarah's story

Feel inspired to fundraise?

Make a regular gift to NASS

Donate to NASS

Donate to NASS in a way that suits you. Whether it's making a regular donation, a one off donation, pledging to leave a gift in your will, or donating in memory of a loved one, every penny you donate really does make a difference to the lives of people with axial SpA with the help of NASS.

Donate today

Do your own fundraising

From quiz nights to coffee mornings and bake sales, organising a step challenge or a dress down day at work or school, or celebrating your birthday by asking your friends and family for donations to your Facebook Birthday page, there’s no limit to what you can do to organise your own fundraising for NASS!

Get fundraising

Caroline Brocklehurst & Minnie, Walk Your AS Off 2023

Join a community fundraiser

Join a community fundraising event and fundraise for NASS. Whether you join Walk Your AS Off, Stretch-tember or Winter Walk Challenge, every penny you raise really does make a difference to the lives of people with axial SpA with the help of NASS.

Upcoming events
making a difference cards

Give As You Shop

Give as you shop online to raise vital funds for NASS! Whether you buy cards online for loved ones, do your weekly shop, purchase your favourite items on ebay, or shop online with easufundraising, every penny you donate really does make a difference to the lives of people with axial SpA with the help of NASS.

Give As You Shop

Get in touch

If you have any questions about fundraising for NASS, please don't hesitate to email or call 020 8741 1515 (press option 2)

Contact the fundraising team

  • 220k

    Adults in the UK

    1 in 200 of the adult population in the UK have axial SpA (AS). That's twice as many as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

  • 26

    Average age

    Axial SpA (AS) is a condition that affects young people. Symptoms start late teens to early twenties, with the average age of onset being 26.

  • 8.5

    Years to diagnosis

    The current average delay to diagnosis from when symptoms start is 8.5 years, by which irreversible damage to the spine may have occurred.

  • 59%

    Mental health

    59% of people with axial SpA (AS) report experiencing mental health problems compared to 25% of those with musculoskeletal conditions overall.