
Caroline’s Boutique Sale
Caroline raised an incredible £1,336 for NASS from her Boutique Sale on Saturday 4 November. She's sharing her story to inspire others who "don't want to run a marathon" or "do another a sponsored activity" to fundraise in their own way.

The biggest ‘unknown’ is how I will stand up to 2 months of continual and relentless physical activity
Jamie shares what he's been up to during October to prepare to row the Atlantic from 12 December to raise funds for NASS and raise awareness of axial SpA.

New biologic therapy approved as treatment option for axial SpA

Laura’s story

“Everyone keeps saying that one of the biggest challenges is getting to the start line and I am beginning to understand why!”

Sarah’s story
Sarah waited for 33 years for a diagnosis. Now she has signed up to Stretch-tember and is taking on a virtual Kilimanjaro climbing challenge.

Sandra’s story

From 1 September 2023, more people will be eligible for the shingles vaccine

Paul’s story
Paul shares his story of a cliff fall which fractured two vertebrae in his spine. Thanks to the fantastic treatment he received and his determination to recover, he's now doing better than ever.