Your stories

Anne Savile's road to diagnosis

Anne's journey to diagnosis wasn't as easy one, with her symptoms starting when she was a teenager. Thanks to a rheumatologist, Anne was finally diagnosed with AS and was referred to hydrotherapy, which has had a huge impact on her life.

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Ann's fundraising for NASS

Ann Balby, President of the Rhondda Rotary Club, elected NASS as her charity for the year. Read to find out the amazing fundraising that she did to support NASS and everyone affected by axial SpA (AS).

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John's 20km walk

In July, John Lankshear decided to combine his passion for photography with a challenge for NASS. On his 20km walk, John captured some stunning shots of the New Forest and raised money for everyone affected by axial SpA (AS).

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Paul's story

Paul had a difficult time finding a diagnosis but now is under the excellent care of Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, one of our Aspiring to Excellence services.

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Emily's story

Emily got in touch with NASS to share her story in the hope that others may have an easier and quicker journey to managing their axial spondyloarthritis than she had herself, and to thank those who continue to support her.

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Rachel's story

Rachel made the change from teaching RE to Karate and talks about how it has helped her live with Axial Spondyloarthritis.

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Jake's journey

In his 20s, Jake thought little of his back pain. However, his twin brother had the same symptoms, and they were both diagnosed with AS

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Share your story

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